On Monday, a leopard cub was rescued by the forest department in Yeoor range of Thane forest division. The news came in most of national news paper circulating in Mumbai. The Cub was being chased away by the feral dogs and was noticed by the local, who informed the Forest department and the action of rescuing was taken upon.
Now, if we go to flash back and try to re-collect an incident where the kittens of Jungle cat were rescued at Aarey milk colony almost a year ago. The veterinary doctor and Forest department took every another step to ensure the survival of kittens. But, unfortunately, the poor kittens could not be saved and perished away in captivity. We must know that these small cats/kittens can't stay away from their mother and must be with the care taker for almost 2-3 years of their initial age. This not only allows them to understand the method of hunting down the prey, but also to understand the life system of the CAT family. The FD is claiming that the cub would be released once; it is able to hunt down its prey at its own. But, my question is that who is going to teach the leopard cub the method of learning and bringing down its prey. No matter, the leopards are opportunistic and have almost no strategy to prey on the hunt. But, chasing and killing the prey is the technique which every cat has to adopt and understand from its parents.
I am in doubt, if the poor cat could survive in absence of its mother. And even in any case if it could survive, there is no chance for him to get back to its jungle at its own or otherwise, this leopard has lost its wilderness.
OR Shall we say that this is another loss of leopard that would never go back to its wild and would be in captivity for rest of his life the way other leopards are in.
1 comment:
Rajesh, it is hard to put back a feline in the wild unless it is looked after its mother in its natural surrondings. It is a natural call that a juvenile takes up instincts from its mother in the wild but then it is not impossible. People like you and me have to take the cause up. In a could like ours where we are naturally prone to disappointments there are 'Anna Hazare's', in a country like Pakistan where nothing seems to go right there are people like Ghulam Mohammad Ehdi. 'Change' comes with a big time push and long wait,,, but it does come and I am sure if we push the matter of re-introducing the felines in captivity into the wild we can teach them to adapt in the wild,,,, yes, difficult,,, but not impossible.
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